Ms. Froyla Tzalam – Executive Director
Froyla Tzalam is a Mopan Maya from San Antonio, Toledo. She has a first degree in Anthropology and a Masters in Rural Development. She believes that all people must know their history in order to promote and protect their identity and culture.
She has worked in the fields of culture, history and indigenous rights over the past decades. She wrote a grammar book on Mopan Maya and numerous articles on culture and identity. She was co-director of the African Maya History Project and for which she wrote co-authored New Vision. During her time with the National Institute of Culture and History, she curated numerous exhibitions on Belize’s culture and history. Froyla was most recently the Managing Director of Tumul K’in Center of Learning, a Maya values based high school in Blue Creek.

Mr. Martin Cus – Community Mobilizer
Mrs. Acela Sambula – Finance Officer
Mr. Eligorio Cus, Santa Teresa Representative ( Chairman of the Board)
Mr. Andres Bo, Crique Sarco Representative (Treasurer)
Mr. Juan Ico, Midway Representative
Mr. Pablo Ich, Graham Creek Representative
Mr. Alejandro Cruz Rodriquez, Barranco Representative
Mr. Enrique Makin, Conejo Representative
Fidelio Kuk- Punta Gorda, Belize
Richard Rushworth – UK
Megan Bennett (2006-2007)
Emily Stein (May 2009)
John Farmer – IT Volunteer (June – August 2010)
Kathleen Prior
J P Dicks
Amy Bracken
Gillian Benson
Laura Burns
Mari Truski
Felix Krause