On April 16th 2016, Ms. Froyla Tzalam became the newly elected chair lady of the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations (APAMO) Ms. Tzalam will be serving for a period of 2 years (2016-2018)

APAMO, the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations, is Belize’s leading network of non-governmental conservation organizations that seeks to influence and encourage the Belizean society to safeguard the integrity and diversity of Belize’s protected areas system and to ensure that any use of Belize’s natural resources is sustainable.
APAMO is comprised of 13 protected areas management organizations that collectively co-manage 18 terrestrial protected areas and 9 marine protected areas. Altogether the protected areas managed by APAMO’s members represent 51% of Belize’s land and sea currently under protection, exclusive of forest reserves, and 65% of all co-managed protected areas.
Click here to read more: http://apamobelize.org/about-apamo/