The Sartoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM) held its 3rd General Gathering today June 29, 2007 at the Novitiate Nazareth Retreat Center. The theme for this years Gathering was: “Managing and Defending our Living Heritage for Future Generations.” The event commenced at 8 am until 5:30 pm and had the participation of over 50 delegates from the buffer communities of the Sarstoon Temash National Park: Crique Sarco, Conejo Creek, Midway, Sunday wood and Barranco.
The Gathering was called to order by the chairman of the board of SATIIM Mr. Alvin Loredo, followed by an opening prayer and presentation of SATIIM’s staff. The Guest Speaker for the Gathering was Dr. Filiberto Penados. Dr. Penados is a native of Succotz, the former director of Tumul Kin Learning Center in Blue Creek Village, Toledo and current lecturer at Galen University, Cayo.
Presentations made at the Gathering included: Two year summary of Accomplishments (by Executive Director – Greg Choc), Two Year Financial Report (by Finance Officer – David Duncan Jr.) and The Challenges Ahead (by Chairman – Alvin Loredo). The community leaders from all the buffer communities spoke on behalf of their communities and highlighted their concerns.
The community members voiced their opinions on priorities on where they think SATIIM’s work should focus for the next two years and election of new board members took place. Community board representatives elected for year 2007-2009 are:
- Samuel Choc (Representative) – Crique Sarco
- Manuel Acte (Representative) – Sunday Wood
- Manuel Caal (Representative) – Conejo
- Arnoldo Paau (Representative) – Midway
- Alvin Loredo (Representative) – Barranco
Other Board members include representatives from the Forestry Department, Qeqchi Council of Belize, National Garifuna Council and the Toledo Alcaldes Association. The event closed with a ceremony to honor outgoing board members.